
"The interim manager …

… expert and tempore executive"

The use of an interim manager

can be in the form of CEO/CFO, managing director or C-level manager as well as task-specific staff position or project manager. We are experienced, result-oriented agents within the company.

Assignments vary and are on average 3-18 months. They can range from the implementation of specific sales and profit targets, the execution of restructuring and change management tasks, to the establishment of companies and subsidiaries in Germany and abroad.
Working as a post-merger integration manager after a successful acquisition of another company in Germany as well as in an international environment is also part of our expertise. Our additional experience in the field of mediation helps us to better understand and resolve tensions.

Special expertise

We have special industry expertise in mechanical engineering, plant and equipment construction, industrial water and wastewater treatment, food and beverage industry, and the energy sector in Germany and abroad. In addition, our international experience includes Europe, in particular the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), Italy, Norway and the UK, as well as the USA and, above all, South-East Asia with a regional focus on Singapore and Malaysia.

Personnel resource shortages

Temporary workers

Restructuring reorganization

Site closures or relocations

Corporate crises

Reorientation of a company

Preparation for the sale of a company or part of a company

Takeover of companies
(mergers & acquisitions)

Integration of acquired companies

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