

As a business consultancy, we accompany you as an external partner for the duration of a project, provide methodological as well as advisory support and give inspirations to master the challenge.



Business Coaching as your personal tool for further education and development.
Take yourself to a new level.



As a business sparring partner, we get into the ring with you. We meet as equals in order to find solutions together.


As a business consultancy we develop an individual solution for our client, in contrast to coaching or sparring,. The implementation of the solution is done by the client. If necessary, we plan the first implementation step and accompany the project as an external consultant. In addition to finding a solution, the project is also intended to broaden the client's knowledge and experience horizon, as well as to expand the client’s experience in a broader sense.
The consultant offers you solutions through external expertise.


In business coaching, the client brings about the solution himself through reflection. The coach develops and increases the client's ability to work through alternative solutions and thus find the most suitable path or solution.
The coach accompanies the client throughout the entire duration of the project with regular meetings. Specific methods are employed and attempts are made to change views and perspectives in the course of finding a solution by means of questioning techniques and thought-provoking impulses.


As a business sparring partner, we find a solution together with our client. In the course of communication, we talk openly as equals and question strategies, problem and solution approaches. At the same time, our experience as well as our expertise flows into the process. In doing so, we accompany them throughout the entire duration of the project. In business sparring, the solution is found together through targeted and conscious interaction with the client.



Consulting is the tailored, individual processing of our client's problems, with the aim of finding a solution for the client based on the analyzed basic information and parameters.
At the beginning of a project, the client gives a detailed and extensive briefing. Depending on the complexity and the scope of the topic, the client may call in additional persons and team members in order to provide the necessary basic information. In this phase, specific workshops may be held to ensure that all information required for finding a solution has been provided.
The information provided is then analyzed in depth, using specialist methods, in order to present the client with a concrete proposal for a solution. If desired, we also plan the first implementation steps and define performance indicators to measure the achievement of objectives.
If the client wishes, we can accompany the project in the further stages of implementation according to the solution specifications. During the implementation phase, we are available to the client at all times.



Our coaching approach focuses on the professional consultation, accompaniment and support of our client with the goal of increasing and further developing individual reflection. This is the essential difference to consulting, where the problem is solved by the consultant, and to sparring, where the solution is worked out together.
In regular weekly sessions, we build and enhance the client's own perception and develop it further. With coaching, the client should be able to recognize and solve situations and problems more efficiently. Thus, the client should develop the ability to work out solutions to problems independently in the future through reflection (helping people to help themselves).
Sometimes there is only a fine line between consulting and coaching. This is the case when the client needs to build up additional know-how, which is the consultant's task.



Every day, managers and entrepreneurs find themselves having to find solutions to existing problems, implement new strategies and ideas, and thus make decisions that frequently represent a major challenge in order to drive and increase the success of a company. Decision-making often poses great challenges to the people involved in it. Special skills are required to master often complex issues. But how can a sparring partner support in this situation and what role does he play?
The sparring partner trains the client’s skills by simulating situations they face as managers or entrepreneurs, be it in decision-making, in implementing ideas and strategies, or in introducing and restructuring processes. His or her task is to discuss the issues with them and reflect on them together, to find different options for action and to check which of the options offers the best chances for the greatest possible success in their situation. In this process, the sparring partner acts as an objective external observer and can thus also take on the role of an adversary who asks critical questions and analyzes, or also acts as a devil’s advocate. In this way, different options and approaches can be considered.
The prerequisite for successful sparring is open communication amongst equals, in which it is expressly desired that the sparring partner contributes his ideas, suggestions and feedback. Thus, the client can develop and train options and strategies together with their sparring partner in order to implement their plan in a solution-oriented, sustainable and positive manner.

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