
Sven Lübbe, jur. oec., Compliance Office (univ.), Risk Manager (univ.)

"Integere leadership personality with hands-on mentality and has the necessary sensitivity for B2B"

"Many years of national and international experience as managing director and CFO"

Thanks to my many years of experience as a manager and business lawyer as well as a certified Compliance Office (univ.) and Risk Manager (univ.), I have profound expertise in setting up and managing international groups, corporations and companies in the field of corporate finance and administration. During my career I have founded, developed, accompanied and partly internationalized various companies and subsidiaries in Germany and abroad. In addition, I have gained valuable experience in change management and the enhancement of value chains, the restructuring and reorganization of companies as well as in the implementation of numerous M&A and post-merger integration projects. Furthermore, I introduced group consolidations according to IFRS and a related group reporting system in international companies. With my affinity to IT, I was also able to gain valuable experience in Germany and abroad in the implementation and roll-out of IT-supported consolidation systems and ERP software.

During this time, I have always taken a holistic, integrative approach, which still characterizes my approach and consulting approach today.

To ensure that all areas can be fully covered at any time, it is possible to call in additional resources at any time.

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